Bob Bly, author of 100 books and the man McGraw-Hill calls “America’s top copywriter,” reveals how you can make money with...

How to Start and Run a Successful Copywriting Business, and Boost Your Copywriting Skills to the Next Level!

And, Boost Your Copywriting Skills to the Next Level!

RE: Bob Bly’s Online Master Copywriting Class

Today's Date: Monday, October 28, 2024

Dear Copywriter,

      When we launched the Pilot Program for “Bob Bly’s Online Master Copywriting Class,” I put into it just about everything I know about writing A-level copy and starting and running a high-profit freelance copywriting business. 

And then some! 

       Now, all else being equal, wouldn’t you rather get training in how to write kick-butt copy … earn an annual 6-figure income as a freelance copywriter . . . and accumulate a 7-figure net worth – from a guy who has not only done it for over 4 decades … but continues doing it year after year – not only because it’s extremely lucrative – but also because I love it!


       Well now, I have a new money-saving and eminently affordably special offer on copy training for you. You get unlimited access to the videos of the 12 course modules -- at a hefty 93% savings off what other copywriters have paid for the same material.


       Our students have paid as much as $7,500 for these master copywriting tips, tactics, and proven response-boosting strategies.


       But now your “tuition” is a tiny fraction of that amount … and you get a dozen online videos recordings giving you the exact same copywriting secrets and lessons I share with our attendees in my $7,500 live program. 


       However, these videos won’t cost you $7,500. Not even $750. In this streaming video home study course, your investment is just $397. Your savings: a whopping $7,103. And the 12 class modules are prerecorded, so you can watch them as many times as you like whenever you want a refresher.

Get instant access to my...

Students praise Bob Bly’s Master Copywriting Course

         "Bob, to say the most recent session was timely would be an understatement. Here's why: After marketing my Info Kit sales letter on my website, I got a sign up and an enquiry from a prospect here in England. Today, I used a lot of the techniques and feedback you gave us last night and closed a deal for a sales letter and a VSL. Nice one, Bob, and thanks for the help and guidance.”

--Talvinder Sambih, Bly Copy Training Student Sept 2020 Class

       “I am taking your pilot Successful Copywriting Business course and I just want to tell you how much your course is helping me. In addition to the knowledge you're so generously sharing with us, your course is giving us newbies a greater sense of confidence. Thank you very much for doing this for us.”

--Kalani Walther

       “What I am excited about today is that because of your training, I can now identify 'why' copy doesn't work, and have some sense of how to improve it. Thank you, Bob. Your comments are so encouraging to me. And the experience of working with a real client was valuable. Thank you for coaching on that. I feel good about it.”

--Eric Nielsen, Bly Copy Training Student Sept 2020 Class

       “I wanted to say thank you for a wonderful class. There is nothing more valuable than having feedback from a master mentor such as yourself. Your instruction has made me much more confident in my direct response copywriting ability.”

-- Tyler George, Bly Copy Training Student Sept 2020 Class

       “Thank you for this … course, Bob. And thanks to everyone else on your crew! The generosity all of you have displayed over the months is definitely making this experience truly feel World Class.”

-- Sashu Rodriguez, Bly Copy Training Student Sept 2020 Class

Let's look at what's in this training course...

Here are the 12 course modules you get

8 core course modules…


Core Course Module1: Overview

>> Build a 6-figure freelance copywriting business.

>> Become an A-level copywriter.

>> Get more clients than you can handle.

>> Double the results your copy produces.

>> Establish yourself as a recognized expert.


Core Course Module 2: Gaining Deep Prospect Knowledge

>> The S.A.P. formula for copywriting success.

>> 15 ways to take a deep dive into the customer’s mind.

>> Using the B.D.F formula for uncovering the core buying complex.

>> Clayton Makepeace’s secret for making copy resonate.

>> Tap into these 17 fundamental human desires.


Core Course Module 3: The Motivating Sequence

>> The 5-step Motivating Sequence for maximum response.

>> 11 additional formulas for making copy even stronger.

>> The secret of the Sea-Monkeys. 

>> Making outrageous free gift offers profitable.

>> The secrets of the Franklin Mint chess set.


Core Course Module 4: Differentiating Your Product

>> The 3-part Unique Selling Proposition.

>> 12 ways to make your product superior and unique.

>> False logic and invent-a-term.

>> Robert Allen, Fran Capo, Mountaineer Mouse.

>> The FAB Pyramid.


Core Course Module 5: Creating Irresistible Offers

>> 4 elements of winning offers.

>> Position part of the product as the premium.

>> The magic of a dollar.

>> The 4 U’s formula.

>> Pricing and guarantee offers that work,


Core Course Module 6: Writing Copy That Sells

>> A copywriting lesson from Monty.

>> The 4-S formula for making your copy easier to read.

>> Why word choice matters so much.

>> The power of specifics.

>> A copywriting lesson from Texas Holdem.

Core Course Module 7: Prospecting

>> 12 proven self-promotions for freelance copywriters.

>> A lead-generating letter that pulled a 10% response.

>> How to create a Copywriting Information Kit.

>> The MAD-FU formula for qualifying potential clients.

>> How to make your website generate a truckload of leads.


Core Course Module 8: Getting Prospects to Hire You

>> 15 reasons why clients hire freelance copywriters.

>> 9 steps for converting sales leads into copywriting clients.

>> What to do when a potential client ghosts you.

>> 23 great copywriting niches.

>> 9 common sales objections -- and one good answer to each. 


Bonus Course Module #9: Content Marketing

>> Converting free content requests into qualified sales leads.

>> How to easily enhance curated content.

>> Fill-in-the-blank worksheets for creating your content.

>> Tailoring your content delivery format to prospect learning mode.

>> 7 proven formulas for writing attention-grabbing content titles.


Bonus Course Module #10: Websites

>> Dual-appeal home pages.

>> The 2 things that must be on your website.

>> Choosing your domain name.

>> Popular home page layouts.

>> SEO.


Bonus Course Module #11: Videos

>> Common video run times and script word length for each.

>> 9 tips for writing video sales letters.

>> The power of demonstration videos.

>> Problem/solution videos.

>> Using educational videos to help sell your product or service.


Bonus Course Module #12: Building Your Copywriting Business

>> The 7 key elements of freelance success.

>> 5 ways to deliver extraordinary client service.

>> How to retain good clients for years—even decades.

>> The ABM method of getting all the new clients you want.

>> 4 secrets to a long and prosperous copywriting career.

Now, you might be asking yourself...

Can I give you the skills and tools to become a six-figure

A-level copywriter?

 Here are my bona fides. So you can decide whether I’m the right copy instructor for you:


     • 4+ decades of experience as a full-time professional copywriter.


     • Former adjunct professor of copywriting at New York University.


     • AWAI Copywriter of the Year and many other writing awards.


     • Author of 100+ books including The Copywriter’s Handbook, considered by many to be a standard reference work in the field.


     • Have written copy for more than 100+ clients including IBM, Kiplinger’s, AT&T, Medical Economics, and GE.


     • Have earned 6 figures annually for decades and accumulated a 7-figure net worth, all from freelance copywriting.


     • Still an active copywriter today working 60-hour weeks—and writing every day of the year.


     • Featured in major media including CBS Hard Copy, CNBC, Los Angeles Times, Nation’s Business, and many more newspapers, magazines, TV, and radio shows.


     • I write promotions that have boosted response rates for my clients from 10% to 900%.


     • Have written over 100 articles for publications including Writer’s Digest, Cosmopolitan, City Paper, and Successful Meetings.


     • I have written copy and content for virtually every marketing channel, from radio commercials and video sales letters, to direct mail packages and email marketing campaigns, to websites and white papers.


     • No copywriter alive today has written for more industries than I have—from dietary supplements and investment newsletters, to equipment for refineries and chemical plants, to wastewater treatment and air pollution control, to telecommunications and software, to food and furniture – and many more.


       Now, of the items above, one stands out….


Specifically, I strongly advise you to make sure your copywriting teacher is still an active practitioner writing for real clients.


       Reason: Marketing is evolving so rapidly today, you want to learn from a copywriting instructor who is on the front line, helping clients increase sales and make more money. Only working copywriters are current on and practiced in modern marketing -- and up-to-date on new sales channels and selling methods. 


      On the other hand, steer clear of courses from copywriting gurus who proudly proclaim they no longer write for clients. Once they decide to get out of the game and sit on the sidelines, they can no longer keep up with or teach you what’s working in today’s multichannel marketing world.

“It’s about time I stepped up to the plate!”

           Although I liked to think that in copywriting I’ve “done it all,” that’ wasn’t quite true … because there’s one thing my readers constantly ask me for that I had – until recently – never delivered: a comprehensive Master Class in copywriting – both the craft of writing copy --- as well as the business side of freelance copywriting.


          That’s why I created and launched my new online video course—“How to Start and Run a Successful Copywriting Business.” 


          I figure that my stepping up to the plate – and teaching the things that matter most in the copywriting field – was long overdue. I think I owe it to writers and marketers. And I always pay what I owe—and more.


          And just to be clear, let me repeat:


          This is not just training on how to write A-level copy, although copywriting is the skill I help you master . . . but it also shows you how to succeed as a six-figure freelance copywriter. 


          You see, in sharp contrast to many who now just teach copywriting, I am in the trenches every day actually doing it—60 hour a week, 51 weeks a year. This is a very different perspective than many classes being offered.


       Now, all else being equal, wouldn’t you rather get training in how to write kick-butt copy … earn an annual 6-figure income as a freelance copywriter – and accumulate a 7-figure net worth – from a guy who has not only done it … but continues doing it year after year – not only because it’s extremely lucrative – but also because I love it!

Unconditional 90-day money-back guarantee of satisfaction.

No risk or obligation of any kind.

       Act now and you can examine my online video Master Copywriting Course, in the comfort and safety of your own home, for 3 months absolutely risk-free.


       Then, you be the judge….


       If you don’t agree my Master Copywriting Course is worth 10X its price or more … or you are unhappy for any other reason … or for no reason at all … just let me know and we’ll give you a prompt refund of every penny you paid. That way, you risk nothing.

One-Time-Payment of Only $397!

Getting started is easy!

Simply scroll down the page below to place your order for only a one-time-payment of $397.00.

This gives you INSTANT ACCESS to this training.

       So what are you waiting for? Click the link below, and you can command a mastery of copywriting that 99% of your competitors can’t even begin to comprehend.


       And remember, if you decide my Master Video Copywriting Course is not for you, it costs you nothing. What could be fairer than that?




Robert W. Bly, Copywriter 


       P.S. In Course Module 5, I show you one simple “trick” that has boosted my response rates by as much as tenfold – and can do the same for you, too. And it’s incredibly easy.

       P.S. Should you ever want to take our live Online Master Copywriting virtual training, we will credit your $397 payment for these videos toward the live course tuition. Your savings: almost $400.

Who is Bob Bly?

Bob Bly

Full-time freelance copywriter specializing in online, direct response, and b-to-b marketing.

I'm a full-time freelance copywriter specializing in online, direct response, and b-to-b marketing. 

I've earned more than $700,000 last year from my freelance writing, and became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in my 30s.

A copywriter for more than a quarter of a century, I've written promotions for over 100 clients including Phillips, Agora, KCI, 21st Century, Weiss Research, EBI Medical Systems, Sony, IBM, AT&T, Grumman, Crain Communications, McGraw-Hill, Intuit, and AlliedSignal.

I'm also the author of more than 70 books including The Copywriter's Handbook (Henry Holt) and Internet Direct Mail (NTC Business Books).

Quick story for you...

When I started my online marketing business a few years ago, I didn't have any information products - and needed one to sell.

So I gave a bunch of articles I had written for a magazine to a graphic designer, who for just $75 put them into a nice PDF layout.

I then put up a landing page (like this one) where people could read about and order the book (that cost me another $100).

To date, we’ve sold $51,778 worth of this little e-book collection of my recycled articles.

That gives me a 29,487% return on my initial $175 investment (so far)… quite a bit better than my stocks did during that same period.

Best of all, my first e-book continues to sell well… and from it, I launched a spare-time online marketing business that generates a six-figure annual income… and requires me to “work” only a few hours a week.

Now, I want to show you how to do the same. 

If you will let me...





YES Bob, I'm ready for Copywriting Mastery!

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Here's what you're getting...

  • Copywriting Master: Get he skills and tools to become a six-figure A-List Copywriter ($7,499.00 value.)

Plus you're getting these bonuses:

  • Special Bonus Report #1: Big Bucks from Annual Report Writing ($19 value.)

  • Special Bonus Report #2: How to Make Money Writing Speeches ​($19 value.)

  • ​Special Bonus Report #3: Twelve Ways to Increase Your Article Sales ​($19 value.)

Total Value: $7,499.00

Your Price: $397

You SAVE: $7,102.00!

  • Bdddd


"Bob is my copywriter and has helped make me millions of dollars by dramatically improving my copy and giving me suggestions that made an enormous difference in my income and life."

-- James Lange, CPA/Attorney

"Bob Bly knows something about writing advertising copy that most copywriters don't understand."

-- Michael Masterson, Early to Rise

"Bob Bly is one of the best copywriters in the Galaxy."

-- Jim Blasingame

"For over 30 years I have learned from Bob Bly- described as America's No 1. Copywriter."

-- Drayton Bird, Drayton Bird Associates

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Office: 31 Cheyenne Dr. Montville, NJ 07045 | Phone: 973-263-0562

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